Sunday, November 25, 2012

Road Trippin'

H yes.

That probably ranked as one of the top weekends of my entire life up to date.
So so so fun!
Gateway Mall, (Forever 21 clothes. Aaaw yeah. And Blickenstaff's!)
Temple Square, (Temple! yay! :)
Disney on Ice, (why am I not cool and agile enough to survive on ice skates? A lady yelled at us for not having fancy phones. Another lady yelled at us for trying to get past her.)
Rainy Supermarket Runs, (Awkward dancing, creepy clams, A lady told Tan to take of his pants.)
Thrift Stores (Free clothes, Marilyn Monroe, Wizard glasses! Old books, old sweaters, lovely times)
Perks of Being a Wallflower, (I fell asleep every. Freaking. Time.)
Spa Night, (Massages, head rubs, much food! Julie has an afro )
Provo ( friends, Flula, "tuts mah barreh," midnight pizza, empty highway!)
SPARK (Non-alcoholic bar, classiest place of my life.)
The most beautiful antique stores ever. (Upside down masquerade Christmas trees, magic, beauty, maps, delight!)
Old trains!
A creepy drunk man who asked us for five bucks, and when we were terrified, just said
"You know what five bucks is to me? A good time!!!" and then he proceeded to do a creepy stomp-jig. We ran for our lives.
Running from the top of a parking garage all the way down, smacking the roof every time we could reach it.
We gave money to a jazzy saxophone player!
We looked at rich people's houses and drove through a cemetery!
Julie has a creepy ward!
We ate waaaaaay too much ice cream.
We acted like n00bs.
People stared at us from their cars.
Also, Julie got gifted with a creepy fake child that I hated and he is my nemesis.
It was beautiful and amazing and I love loved every second.

Also, t'was my birthday. So that's nice.

 Our foods place.
 Salt Lake!
Temple Square!


Sherie Christensen said...

Um, you came down to Sparks in Provo and didn't let us know so that we could be your stalker Aunt and Uncle? We actually know the guy that owns that restaurant. We're special like that. I'm glad you had a fun birthday trip. That is totally awesome.

Ali Fuller said...

Haha! You know him? So cool. I absolutely loved it there.