Thursday, January 3, 2013

My Immune System is the Best.

Over Christmas break, I was trapped with a plethora of sick people.
First to go was my 15 year old sister.
My grandparents came to our house, and my grandma had the same illness.
THEN my other sister caught it.
I flew to Virginia two days after Christmas, and thought I had escaped. NOPE.
I stayed at my aunt and uncle's house, and my aunt had it AND their adorable, adorable son.
As did my other aunt, who I traveled with for three days in a car (13 hours a day.)
I was feeling awesome. I had survived. I had been around all of these people who were hacking their lungs out, and I had come out victorious.
Surely, I thought, with the amount of germs I've been subjected to without getting sick thus far, my body must have finally gained the ability to fight off sickness.
I was ecstatic.
Until yesterday.
Suddenly, my throat began to burn.
It felt as if some jerk fool had rubbed down my throat and sinuses with sandpaper.
Frantic with worry, I hastily downed medicine and took cough drops, hoping to head off the plague that has captured so many.
That didn't happen.
I've caught it.
Yaaaaaaaaaaay. My immune system continues to fail me.

Thanks, body.

1 comment:

Sherie Christensen said...

At least your immune system didn't let you down until you were safely back to where you could be miserable as comfortably as possible. Feel better!